About the Symposium
The Symposium on Educational Leadership focuses on topics pertinent to educational leadership in PK-12 schools and how school and district leaders can meet the needs of diverse learners. The 2023 Symposium will feature a keynote address and sessions surrounding research and recommended practices.
Click HERE to view a previous program

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Alessandra Landini
Dr. Alessandra Landini is the Principal of the I.C. A. Manzoni in Reggio Emilia, with a PhD in Human Sciences, thesis in Physics Education from the Department of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and a Master Degree in Organization and Management of Multicultural School Institutions from Alma Mater, Bologna. Overseeing five elementary and middle schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, which have vastly diverse student bodies, Dr. Landini holds academic and professional expertise in leading and celebrating cultural differences and appreciation in schools with immigrant and nonnative populations.

Room A:
Dr. Gaudino, Moderator
Opening Welcome and Acknowledgements
Dr. Ann Gaudino, Millersville University
Keynote: Dr. Alessandra Landini
Peace Between Cultures:
Leading Intercultural Dialogue Among Families, Students and Teachers
9:30 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. BREAK
9:40 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1
Room B:
Dr. Kubasko, Moderator
Doctoral Candidates in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities:
The Motivation to Lead: A Rural School Context
Andrew Freas, Asst. Principal, Southern Tioga SD
School Leader Perceptions of Readiness to Practice Equity-Centered Leadership
Michelle Felton, PA Regional Lead for K-12 Continuous Improvement, IU 13
Room C:
Dr. Brooks & Dr. Dreon, Moderators
Doctoral Students in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities:
An Examination of Teachers' Experiences with the Interactive Whiteboard in the Mathematics Classroom
Erin Pittman, Asst. Principal, South Middleton School District
Interactive Whiteboard use in Science Classrooms: A Qualitative Inquiry
Tamira Howard, Asst. Principal, Central Dauphin School District
The New Guy: Perceptions of a First Year Learning Support Teacher Integrating Technology in a 9th Grade Biology Classroom
Mark Herb, Biology Teacher, Waynesboro Area SD
Using Technology to Support Active Learning in STEM: A Qualitative Inquiry of Two Professors' Undergraduate Courses
Cynthia Lehman, Mathematics Senior Lecturer and Assistant Chair, Messiah University
10:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. BREAK
10:30 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2
Room B:
Dr. Kubasko, Moderator
Doctoral Candidates in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities:
Engaging Families in Middle School Transition: Student and Parent Perspectives
Troy Sauer, Principal, Northern York SD
A Case Study in Middle Level Math
Melissa Devlin, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Professional Development, Kutztown Area SD
Room C:
Dr. Brooks & Dr. Dreon, Moderators
Doctoral Students in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities:
Multilingual Learner Teachers' Experiences Integrating Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) into Instruction: A Qualitative Study
Marquis Jones, Asst. Principal, Palmyra Area SD
An Examination of the Experiences of Speech Therapists Delivering Therapy in a Virtual Setting
Tracy Williams, Director of Human Resources, IU 12
Supporting Students With Disabilities in an Online Environment
Teresa Black, Academic Team Member, Central Pennsylvania Digital Learning Foundation (CPDLF)
Teacher Perspectives and Experiences of Online Learning
Sean Cummins, High School Principal, Huntingdon Area SD
11:10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. BREAK
11:20 a.m. - 12noon CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3
Room B:
Dr. Kubasko, Moderator
The Impact of School Leaders' Perceptions on the Student Preparation for Post-Secondary Education
Christopher Keeler, Director of Special Education, Solanco Area SD
Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities
Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Discussion with Dr. Ann Marie Licata
Room C:
Dr. Brooks & Dr. Dreon, Moderators
Doctoral Students in Educational Leadership, Millersville & Shippensburg Universities:
An Examination of the Role Feedback via Digital Tools Plays in Fostering a Supportive and Interactive Learning Environment Between Teachers and Students
Durrell Burns, 10th Grade Principal, Central Dauphin Sd
Elementary Teacher Perspectives of Learning Management Systems
Christopher Barry, Elementary Principal, Red Lion Area SD
Novel Engineering in an Elementary School Classroom: A Qualitative Inquiry
Emma Melhorn, Asst. Principal, Eastern York SD
A Qualitative View of the Aftermath of Ransomware Cyber-Attacks in Rural High School Education
Amanda Summers, Asst. Principal, Solanco Area SD
12 noon-12:10 p.m. BREAK
12:10 p.m.-1:00 p.m.: Alumni Panel Discussion
Room A:
Dr. Gaudino, Moderator
Bringing Families, Administrators, and Teachers Together
Dr. George Fitch, Asst. Superintendent of Student Services, The School District of the City of York
Dr. Jill Freedman, Asst. Professor & Coordinator of The Master's Program in Educational Leadership, Florida Southern College
Dr. Eric Holtzman, Business Administrator, Waynesboro Area SD
Dr. Megan Ward, Asst. Director of Human Resources-Professional Development, Cumberland Valley SD

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